Tube Ceiling Series


    Product Description 產品描述
Tube Ceiling Series is an open wide design and good for huge-area ceiling with visual effect. It can be tailor made for meeting the demand of customers’ needs. It is easy to install and remove for maintenance. It is widely used in Mass Transit Railway, club house and lobby of immigration hall.


Installation Description 安裝說明
First, adjust the ceiling level with a standard measurement. Then connect the main runner with runner clip. Ceiling is suspended by the main runner.


Specifications and Size (mm) 規格尺寸
- 50

Floor Plan of Installation 明架天花安裝平面圖

1.) 圓筒條型天花
2.) 條型天花吊碼
3.) 條型龍骨
4.) 條型龍骨吊碼
5.) 封頭蓋

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